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let's catch some bad guys

When I Meet This Asian For First Time |

She Will Be Wearing Gladiator, Warrior, Xena, Viking attire ! Similar to as following Photos Display : 

This unknown Asian Will Change her First and Middle name With me and keep her last name ! Until I marry her then she is My Future Last Name as I will pay for DNA lab testing results for my name change to my mothers and Father's Last Name : They think I was born deformed because King Of Iran sexed My Mother her Father to birth me My unique name is unknown to USA citizens as I was stolen after born at a hospital in Israel and Iran territory of my Birth Mothers The King's Daughters! Funny Women.

You will never believe what I discovered :

My Made up false USA name was idea of my Iranian Mothers who knew the USA baby thieves would cause problems because the USA baby thieves did not want to release me back to my Mothers of Iran who grieved all of their lives for the loss of me. Where Savannah Smiles came from. The Bad guys did it, stole me and destroyed me like they wanted !

Versus my life would had been perfect I joining IDF Israel Military under age 18 moving in with one of my Christ Fathers of Israel where I am waited on these very days to enlist in IDF Israel Military as ordered by my Biological Father Jesus Christ ! I will be there as soon as I can to stop the war attacks as directed by Jesus Christ. As I have received messages from my Christ and Mother's Families per my dreams all the days of my life, I finally paid more attention after the set up HOMICIDE CASE OF MY THIRD NEWBORN BABY KENNETH JOSHUA ROBERTS THE SECOND MAY 2020 birthed April 25, 2020 by EMERGENCY c section.